Frequently Asked

The AEDU houses are designed for transitional support for homeless or individuals in all of the cities we are building AEDU communities. Our goal is to end homelessness, and the AEDU Rapid housing units provides the stability, and the starting point Veterans need to address the underlying causes of homelessness and promote home ownership.

We provides each person with a case manager and together they design a plan that moves at the Individual’s pace. You are welcome to stay in the Community as they continue to make progress toward their goal of permanent housing readiness.

There are two AEDU house models, The single-occupancy AEDU House is 100 – 250sf. Ft will sleep up to 2 individuals. The family AEDU model is 300 -600sq. ft. will sleep up to 3 individuals. The units are built for Sustainable and innovative homes with past trauma at the forefront of the design process. We are intentional about building communities that are mindful of homeless and military post-traumatic stress.

Each AEDU is a sustainable and affordable way to building houses on a concrete slab and connected to electricity and plumbing just like any house being build today. We are expanding our headquarters in Atlanta, Douglasville to Dublin GA and Tuskegee AL the community is building AEDU houses. The community also will have a Veteran Outreach Center to serve those who are housed with us and those in the community who need support. As we expand into new city’s the number of houses will continue to grow.

We build trusting relationships; we continually conduct street outreach to identify Individuals and veterans who are currently homeless on the street. Seniors, Veterans and women with children are assessed and prioritized based on their needs. We prioritizes These individuals who are the most vulnerable. We do keep a list of the ones who apply. Also, and most importantly, the circumstances of people change quickly, and those who are in crisis today may have stabilized by the time there is and vacancy.

We are there for each and every person we serve. We are striving to be different from the standard social service systems. We are a community-focused team. Every Individual will receive a case manager weekly depending there need. We have partnered with local companies, nonprofits, and agencies to provide wraparound support to address every veteran situation.